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Solution Delivery

Solution Delivery Overview 

In this video, various members of the WSI Management team talk about the WSI eMarketplace system, why having an established network of pre-qualified suppliers is a huge competitive advantage, and most importantly, how it helps our agencies scale at whatever pace suits their goals and lifestyle.

When we ask our tenured WSI franchise owners, what is the biggest value you get from WSI in your business? The answers are always the Network or the E-Marketplace. Which makes sense, since the eMarketplace and our powerful Agency network work in Harmony as one. United in the same goal to share and deliver expert quality digital solutions to our clients.

As we’ve talked about, when you join WSI, you join a family of Digital Marketing Agencies around the world. The strength of our network has also allowed us to align with Powerful corporate partners. With WSI you further benefit from the brand credibility we have within the industry, you get to associate your business with all these partnerships.

When you align with us, you align with our friends. And we’ve got some friends who carry significant weight in the digital arena. We’re proud of the major industry partnerships we’ve worked hard to solidify. Google, HubSpot, Bing, Adobe, Sharpspring, SEMrush to name a few are large recognizable brands that our agencies can attach to their solutions.

Think of it as an all-you-can-eat buffet of digital marketing knowledge. Your WSI business is supported by some of most recognized names in the industry, and partnering with them will reap you immediate rewards.

When you start to think about how our partnerships with companies like Google make up just a small sliver of our larger eMarketplace, the sheer power of our network is evident.

WSI’s supplier marketplace contains pre-approved companies that are ready to deliver your client’s solutions at a moment’s notice. And, since we partner with local and International suppliers, you can choose between vendors – and cost – in Europe, North America, South America, and everywhere between. Literally the sun never sets on the global WSI production network.

A WSI agency offers you value at every level, but no other advantage of our business opportunity is as big – or as unfair, as we like to call it – as our eMarketplace. To get our eMarketplace ecosystem up and running, we cycled through company after company, crossing many off the list. This is an agonizing process you would’ve had to struggle through if you started your own business. Even if you did find suitable vendors, there’s no network-wide process in place to ensure quality and deliverability are up to standard.

One of the most underrated aspects of the WSI eMarketplace is the prices we’re able negotiate with our approved suppliers. We know associating with WSI is valuable to these companies, so we use it as a bargaining chip. After all, we sell their products and services for them! It’s the strength of our buying power which allows us to get bottom of the barrel prices for you. The less you pay, the more markup you can charge, which adds dollars to your agency’s bottom line.

This is the unfair advantage we mentioned before. When you can produce, markup and sell products and services for less money than competing agencies have to pay to create the same resources, you gain a significant edge.

Our growing agencies say it’s helpful to know that as their sales continue to grow, they have the vast network of digital marketing experts at their disposal to meet mounting production needs. It’s the skill and dependability of the suppliers in the WSI eMarketplace that allows the entire network to plan and focus on the future.

Planning your future, which is our future, is where we want the majority of your time and energy spent. WSI’s global partnerships and eMarketplace exist to help you scale your WSI agency. You can take it slow and grow at your own pace, but the value of the WSI opportunity is the potential for you to double or triple in size during your first few years. Beyond that, we’ve said all along: the future growth potential of WSI – and of your agency – is limitless.