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Career Tips & Advice, Becoming an Entrepreneur

What is the Best Way to Find Yourself that Dream Job?

3 Minutes to Read
Summary: One of the most sure-fire ways you can land a dream job is by creating one for yourself. At WSI, we've helped many people find careers that match their expectations. Visit our Discovery Center to find out more!

dream-job-2What is your dream job? This is something that people ponder from the time they're old enough to enter the school system, and teachers start asking, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” The problem, however, is that not every person has a dream job, and even more, people struggle to figure out what type of job would bring them the most fulfillment and success in life. But if you're struggling with how to find your dream job, there are a few steps you can take to find the career path that would best suit your needs and goals, and today you'll learn about assessing your personality, experiences, and strengths to determine ideal jobs for yourself.

Get Started by Evaluating Your Strengths and Talents

Your aptitudes, skills, and abilities are arguably the best roadmap you have for determining your dream job because these can point you in the right direction when it comes to finding a career that you'll love and that you'll be successful doing. To get started, brainstorm and write down your key strengths, as well as any talents or special abilities that you have. If you're stumped, ask friends, family, and co-workers about what they think you bring to the table or go over past feedback from performance reviews to see what others have said about you.

Example: You love playing piano, are great at it, and have a natural ability with the keys, so maybe you can consider playing professionally, teaching, or composing.

Assess the Things You’ve Already Tried

Once you know what it is that you're good at, you can examine the types of jobs you’ve had in the past and the different activities you’ve participated in. Make a list of these jobs and activities and pay particular attention to which ones you liked, which ones you disliked, and why. Furthermore, don’t just limit your discussion to the duties themselves: think beyond that to things like company culture, challenges, accomplishments, and the work environments that you enjoyed.

Example: You worked as a bookkeeper for a few years, and although you hated the duties of the job, you loved having multiple clients and getting to work in a variety of offices throughout the week.

What Is the Easiest Way to Find Your Dream Job? Think About What You Do in Your Spare Time

You’ve probably heard since you were in high school that your dream job is the thing you love doing without getting paid, but not everybody has the luxury of having hobbies and passions that would yield income. However, this is still salient advice in the sense that you can use what you love as a starting point for how to get your dream job.

Example: You spend most of your spare time golfing, and although you may not be in a position to become a pro golfer, perhaps there are aspects of your hobby that would translate well to a career, such as running your pro shop.

One of the most sure-fire ways you can land a dream job is by creating one for yourself. When you go into business for yourself, for instance, not only can you build everything from the ground up, but you can also customize different elements to suit your strengths, needs, desires, goals, and interests. A WSI digital marketing franchise is one type of job that can be tailored to become a dream job for just about anybody. You have the control and power to choose your projects, clients, schedule, flexibility, employees, and everything else about the job, and you can put all of your strengths to use to realize your personal and professional dreams.

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