Career Advice, Digital Marketing, Business Organization and WSI Franchise Opportunities

Introducing New IC Nicole King

Written by Daniel Lattanzio | Feb 15, 2019 7:00:38 AM

In this interview with Nicole King, we find out how continuous learning has been a driving factor to choosing and starting a new business. She loves being a trusted advisor and is passionate about helping others. Find out more about Nicole in this post.

What did you do before life at WSI?

I worked in the Financial Services industry as part of IT Operations.  I led the Business Transformation Team, a global cross-functional team in 5 diverse locations. I was responsible for IT Services Vendor Management, Code Development, Release Management, IT Communications and Transformation projects.

What made you choose WSI as an opportunity?

I really liked the directional freedom that WSI offers to grow my business.  After speaking with a number of franchisees during my discovery, everyone was very helpful and talked a lot about the education and support provided by Home Office.  I knew I wanted to own my own business but I also wanted to be part of a network that is an extended family.

I’m also a bit of a geek so the constant learning opportunities and chance to “play with” new technologies was a nice add-on.

Who was your biggest influencer in helping you decide to buy a Digital Marketing Franchise?

I worked with a franchise broker that matched opportunities to my skill-set and goals for the next chapter in my career.  He introduced me to WSI and gave me a lot of tools and support to make the best decision for me.

What attracted you about owning your own business?

I’ve been considering owning my own business for 10 years, this was just the right time in my life to make the jump.

What was your first day of training at Home Office like?

I’m not sure….I’ve forgotten was happened on day 1!  Seriously though, everyone told me during my discovery that it was a lot of learning and would be like drinking from a firehose.  

Training lived up to those expectations.  The training was very well organized and had a good flow and the food was excellent.  IT support was also on hand to help with any issues I had setting up my computer. There is a lot to learn so you need to enjoy constantly learning, WSI is always providing opportunities to improve knowledge and capabilities.

What was the biggest thing you learned at Home Office?

Don’t expect to know everything, there is a lot of support behind me so anything I don’t know just ask.  And pick a specialty or vertical and focus, don’t try to be everything to everyone.

Do you keep in touch with your training class? With the training staff?

Yes I do, we are a great support system for each other.

What impact has this decision had on your life?

I like being challenged and having a variety of things to do and meeting new people, this is providing exactly that opportunity.  I feel like I am now in control of my life and I don’t dread Mondays. I just smile when I hear someone say “Ugh, it’s Monday.”

What’s something about your country that others may not know?

I am based in Canada, so being a good Digital Marketer, I Googled the answer to this question 😊.

My personal favourite is #19, with my love of coffee.

What skills do you bring to your business that you are excited about?

I have done a lot of project management in my career, which seems like an odd skill for digital marketing.  But it is key to managing workload, expectations, timelines and being agile enough to accept and embrace changes.  Change Management is very important in my opinion because it is about marketing a change to gain acceptance. Having also been responsible for IT Communications (my target audience being the business), I’ve have learned to translate technical language into non technical communications. This has also taught me how people receive and consume information

Do you have any other partners/employees in your business?

No, just me.

What plans do you have for the next 12 months?

My primary plan is to build my client base and continue to learn.

What would you tell other people who are considering joining WSI?

If you like to constantly learn and stay abreast of new technologies, then WSI is the perfect place for you.  Building a business is hard work, so invest in yourself and your business – by that I mean do what it takes to succeed, learn, build your network, market yourself and your business every day. Don’t be afraid to fail, and don’t be afraid to just get started.

What’s something you take pride in with your business?

I take a lot of pride in helping people to succeed.  I have spent a lot of years mentoring and growing the abilities of people.  Being a Trusted Advisor to my clients is something that I take very seriously and I will always try my best to help them to succeed.

Where do you see yourself and your business in 5 years?

In 5 years, I would like to have the problem of too much work and having a need to hire.  I would start with a project manager because I’m really liking the sales side, I like meeting new people and learning about new businesses.

If you share one piece of information with the audience today, what would it be?

I’ve lived in quite a few parts of the world, Australia was my favourite - it is my second home.

What type of holidays do you like to take?

I like to go somewhere warm and where I can have a nice balance between being active and having time to relax.  I went to Hawaii this year on a cruise and it was so far the trip of a lifetime.

If we went to happy hour, what would you order?

Red wine – Shiraz from Australia or an interesting cider

If you could be anywhere other than here talking to me - right this minute, where would you be?

It’s winter here in Canada – so somewhere warm with an ocean getting ready to scuba dive.