Career Advice, Digital Marketing, Business Organization and WSI Franchise Opportunities

Consultant Interview with Andreas Mueller-Schubert from Napa, CA

Written by Daniel Lattanzio | Nov 11, 2020 11:14:00 AM

Andreas Mueller-Schubert has been a WSI Internet Marketing Consultant since 2014. He is based in Napa, California, where he runs WSI Next Gen Marketing, an award-winning agency that simplifies the complexity of the internet for businesses and unlocks their full potential by leveraging digital marketing and its many unrecognized opportunities. 

What’s the biggest value that you get from WSI?

Working with WSI’s well-established network and brand is extremely valuable.

What job/business were you in before you started your WSI business?

I have been in the internet business since 1994. I started off building IP networks and IP solutions like VoIP, IPTV. I worked at Microsoft as a General Manager for five years. I then moved to Siemens, where I worked in several senior management positions, running several IP-related business units. Then, in 2014, I opened my WSI franchise, Next Gen Marketing. Before entering the industry, I was in the German military, serving as an officer in the Air Force for 12 years.

Tell us about anyone who helped influence you into starting your own business?

My parents and grandparents all ran their own businesses, so I was surrounded by entrepreneurs from the time I was born.

Describe your typical work week.

Monday and Friday are spent in the office, organizing the workload for everyone in the team and making sure that everything is taken care of. From Tuesday to Thursday, I focus on customers and schedule my client and sales meetings.

What highlights have you had since being with WSI?

I have been able to build a steady business within only six years, employing six full-time employees today, and serving many happy clients. My real passion is growing businesses, and I am very pleased to find that our work has made a genuine difference to our clients, showing real growth and development. Clients sometimes greet us as we walk through downtown Napa - that makes us feel right at home!

What are the biggest obstacles that you have faced in running your business and how have you overcome them?

Getting the business started was challenging at first, especially as we had no local relationships and no options to leverage relationships from the past. We overcome potential challenges by always keeping a healthy pipeline of new opportunities. It can also be tough to find good talent in a very competitive market.

What do you think are the best skills that you bring to your business?

My experience in business management, project management, sales and marketing have been the most critical skills that have enabled me to run this business successfully. 

What goals do you have for yourself that you want to accomplish in the next year?

I aim to grow the business by 30% plus and win more, bigger clients.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

Running a million-dollar-plus business with 10+ employees and being known as the best marketing company in our local and regional/national niche markets (e.g. wine industry, tourism).

What advice would you give a new WSI Internet Consultant?

Do a great job for your clients. Clients are the basis for the business: they pay you and they promote you. Make them great fans of what you do! Also, you need to be a great salesperson to get the business started and keep it running.

What would be your personal motto?

We simplify the internet for you, so you can focus on your core strength and what makes your business great.

If we went to happy hour, what would you order?

Wine – I live in Napa for a reason! My German side sometimes needs a beer too.

If you could be anywhere other than here talking to me - right this minute, where would you be?

In Hawaii drinking Mai Tais and golfing, or camping at Lake Tahoe, in the mountains.