Career Advice, Digital Marketing, Business Organization and WSI Franchise Opportunities

Young, Female, and Raring to Go: Here Are Some Tips for this Growing Breed of Young Entrepreneurs

Written by Trinda Tresham | Jul 19, 2017 2:58:50 PM

One of the biggest advantages of being a female entrepreneur in today’s society, especially if you're a Millennial, is that you understand that you're just as capable and intelligent as any of your professional counterparts, and that recognition gives you the confidence needed to take risks and be independent. Here we bring some tips to encourage and help you achieve the professional success you want.

Identify Your SWOT

Some of the common characteristics of a successful female entrepreneur include a positive attitude, drive, independence, self-confidence, and the ability to prioritize. How many of these traits do you have? Or perhaps you aren't sure? That’s why it’s so important to identify your SWOT, which is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Essentially, it boils down to knowing what you're good at, where you could use some improvement, what opportunities could arise because of your strengths, and what threats you need to worry about on account of your weaknesses. Being self-aware on this level will help you locate possibilities, guide you when you are strategising, and lead you when setting professional goals.

Be Open to Asking for Help and to Network

Find opportunities to learn from others who already know what you don’t. Just because you are an entrepreneur doesn’t mean you have to figure it all out on your own. No one knows all the answers or has all the skills. It could be something financial like the tax structure, or something more strategic like a marketing plan for your set up. Work at building genuine connections with people inside and outside your industry. Connect with business advisors and peers who can help you develop your skills and achieve your business goals. Find organizations that offer business resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities to help get you started. Network as much and as best as you can.

Do Your Groundwork

Good business people are financially savvy. Bad investments can ruin your hopes for the future because they can take away the financial security that gives you the freedom to explore different opportunities.

Moreover, if you want to run your own business, it’s essential that you know how to budget, how to invest for the future, and how to make a sound financial plan for yourself and the venture. Do your research. Will you be eligible for grants, loans or government financing? Figure out the permits, licenses and other papers you may need to run your business. Be aware, have your information in place.

Calculate Risk before Making Decisions

Risk-taking is a necessary part of being an entrepreneur, but what sets good ones apart from bad ones is the ability to calculate that risk. Some risks—like jumping off a bridge, for instance—simply don’t offer enough reward for the risk you'd have to take, and a savvy entrepreneur knows when to walk away. Being able to weigh pros and cons and understanding the risk-reward ratio can help you make sound decisions when it comes to taking risks, in life and your business ventures alike.

Ever Considered a Digital Marketing Franchise as a Career Option?

Female entrepreneur business ideas abound in today’s connected and digital world, but some career opportunities can be overlooked if you're not careful. One such possibility is digital marketing, which many tend to shy away from if they feel they don’t have the digital experience or technical knowledge base necessary to become an expert in the field.

However, a digital marketing franchise with a reputable agency will provide you with all the training you need to succeed in the business, the security you want for the future, and the opportunities you need to excel.

With WSI, a franchise opportunity is a low-risk and low-investment venture that can let you spread your entrepreneurial wings and flex your business acumen. As a young millennial entrepreneur, you have your entire future ahead of you, and WSI can help make all the dreams you have for that future come true.

A digital marketing franchise opportunity is an ideal prospect that will let you gain experience, help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, and allow you to hone your skills and abilities to achieve even greater success in the years to come.