Career Advice, Digital Marketing, Business Organization and WSI Franchise Opportunities

Why Losing Your Job Might Have Been the Best Thing to Have Ever Happened to You

Written by Trinda Tresham | Mar 8, 2017 2:49:53 PM

Losing your job is frightening. You worry about your finances, your family, your security, and your future. You get anxious about how you're going to make ends meet, what you're going to do for work, and what your next step should be. And while it’s easy to focus on all the negatives of unemployment, there are also plenty of ways that it can be positive.

In fact, losing your job may well turn out to be the best thing that could have happened to you, and the best career move you were ever forced to make. But just in case you aren't convinced, here are a few reasons that will prove why this could be the opportunity of a lifetime.

You'll Learn a Lot About Yourself

 How you pull through a job loss is all about your perspective, and you can choose to see it either as an opportunity to progress or as a setback. For most people, the initial reaction to a job loss is sheer panic. But within a couple days, you'll realize that the world hasn’t ended, and that life goes on even if you don’t have the job you did last week.

Once the panic subsides, you'll start to make a plan, get your resume in order, get back on your feet, and realize that you're stronger than you ever knew. Just as importantly, not having the distraction of the 9 to 5 grind will help you focus on figuring out what you really want to do with your life, and the answer might surprise you. 

It Was the Push You Needed to Take the Next Step

At your previous job, did you ever feel like it wasn’t really what you wanted to be doing, but you stuck it out because the pay was good, or because the job was flexible, or for some other similar reason? Change is difficult and scary, so most people spend their lives looking for reasons why the status quo is superior to the unknown. But this mindset leads to wasted opportunities, wasted time, and wasted talent. Losing your job forces you into action, and this could be the exact push you needed to get out there and find a job you truly love, which will bring both career success and employment happiness.

Become Your Own Boss and Never Get Fired Again

If you’ve considered being an entrepreneur and already have your business all thought out, then now is the perfect time to realize that dream. Or maybe you never really considered it before, but think that being your own boss sounds like just what the doctor ordered. In that case, starting up a digital marketing franchise with an established global company like WSI World is the ideal prospect.

It’s a low-risk, high reward opportunity that puts you in charge of your days, provides you with the training and support you need to succeed, and allows you to explore and develop your entrepreneurial spirit. As a digital marketing franchise owner, you'll be your own boss, in charge of your own success, and you'll never again have to worry about losing your job.

Job loss is an unfortunate and common reality in an economy where saving money is always a number one priority. But unemployment is not a sign of failure, and it’s certainly not the end of the line for your career. In fact, losing your job is an opportunity, and perhaps the exact push you need to find true career success that includes job satisfaction, independence, a good work-life balance, and stability in your professional life.