Career Advice, Digital Marketing, Business Organization and WSI Franchise Opportunities

How to Come Up With Innovative, Feasible Business Ideas That Can Bring You Success

Written by Mark Dobson | Jun 9, 2017 6:11:40 PM

Running your own business is a tough job, but just coming up with a solid business idea can be even harder. Brainstorming viable business ideas takes creativity and inventiveness, but also knowledge about different industries and insight into the minds of consumers. And once you have a few business ideas, you also need financial and risk-management acumen to be able to determine which ones are feasible. But if you're exploring the possibility of going into business for yourself, here are some tips to help you come up with those brilliant ideas.

Start by Examining Your Life

Some of the best and most creative business ideas are born from a need or lack. For instance, the very first car seats for children weren’t designed as safety devices but rather were invented because parents needed a way of keeping their kids occupied and stationary while they were in the car. Today, the car seat business is booming, and the industry is projected to be worth over $2 billion annually in the next few years. So if you need innovative business ideas, think about the types of products or services you could benefit from but that nobody’s offering yet.

Take a Look at the Big Trends

Another important factor to consider when you're brainstorming business ideas is what's hot right now, and what you foresee being a big trend shortly. Figuring out what the next big thing is going to be and creating a product or service to meet the demand is a recipe for a successful business. You can also look at trends that are big right now and find something that’s missing from the puzzle that you can provide.

For example, the gluten-free food industry has exploded in the last decade, and even though the market is already saturated with products, good business ideas for 2017 would be bakeries that provide delicious versions of food that aren't yet available in gluten-free versions.

Consider How Your Skills and Abilities Could Be Applied

Before delving too deeply into any business possibility, it’s important to look at your skills, knowledge, and experience to determine what you would have to offer that business. For example, if you had a career as a gardener and are looking for business ideas after retirement, you might not be able to jump right into operating your own home-based accountancy business without some extra training first. However, a more suitable idea might be a landscaping consultancy business that puts your years of experience to good use.

Mitigating Your Risk

Starting your own business always comes with a measure of risk, but there are ways to reduce the risk and help ensure success. For one, you can opt for franchising with an established company rather than starting your own business from scratch. From there, there are two ways you can gauge the risk involved with a potential company: top down or bottom up. With the top down approach, you examine the current state of the economy to pinpoint a profitable industry and then choose a company within that industry that shows promise.

On the other hand, the bottom-up approach picks companies based solely on their performance. With a digital franchise like WSI, you get the benefit of a company that’s low-risk no matter how you gauge it because both the company and the industry are booming right now.

If you're considering a career change, or are looking for something to do after retirement, business ideas for at-home businesses are a great place to start. Not only will you get to make your hours and have control over your schedule, but you'll also have plenty of time to devote to family, friends, hobbies, and personal pursuits. Coming up with a winning business idea can be tough, but your hard work and dedication will inevitably pay off.