Career Advice, Digital Marketing, Business Organization and WSI Franchise Opportunities

5 Benefits to Becoming an Entrepreneur.

Written by Trinda Tresham | Jan 20, 2017 2:44:53 PM

So, You Wanna Be Your Own Boss eh?

Let’s face it, for a large number of us – working for someone else stinks! The number of professionals turned entrepreneur has been constantly increasing over the past fifteen years. Every year, more and more people decide to run their own business. It may sound scary at first; however many entrepreneurs realize that being their own boss comes with a lot of advantages.

Here Are the Five Benefits to Becoming an Entrepreneur.

1. Flexible Hours

Being your own boss means you don’t have to get your vacation requests approved by someone else.  If you need a day off to attend a family event, all you have to do is justify this to yourself. When you’re the boss you won’t have to wait around for a time off request to be approved. Flexible working hours doesn’t mean you can be lazy though, it simply means you can follow your passion on YOUR terms. Entrepreneurs have to work hard for their success, including out of office hours.

2. Self-Employment Teaches Valuable Skills

Entrepreneurs must work in order to get paid. By being responsible for your own income and business growth, you learn to master self-discipline, time management and problem solving. Many of these valuable skills can’t be learned in the classroom.

3. No Limits

Entrepreneurs don’t depend on their manager to get a promotion. The harder you work, the better the results and the more successful you can be. Self-awareness is the cornerstone of effective leadership. Leadership isn’t about how big your role is, or how big you act. Self-aware leaders are able to see the larger picture, the context and purpose. They realize that their path to success has no limits. They actively listen and don’t put themselves ahead of others. They allow others to be the best they can be.

4. Opportunity to Travel

Working for yourself offers you the opportunity to travel while you work, see new places and meet people from different cultures. The world is your oyster; explore it. With today’s communication network, you can have business partners anywhere in the world. Fortunately, today’s workplace becomes unlimited, and with the right technological tools, small business owners can still keep one foot in the office no matter what part of the world they’re in.

5. Do Something You are Passionate About

People perform best when they are inspired to do something they are really passionate about. The beauty of being your own boss is that you can do something you love. Following your passion can fill your pockets. When you identify your passion and align it with whatever you’re doing, a magical synergy happens that will effortlessly carry you to exponential heights. Work becomes joyous and pleasurable. Hours fly by, unnoticed. Tiredness and fatigue take a backseat as you power your way to greater achievements.

Be great.

If you’re looking to take the leap into Entrepreneurship we highly recommend reading our Entrepreneur’s Guide to Success. It will help you understand if you have the professional and personal character to be successful in owning your own business.